| 1. | This area is most suitable for growing wheat . 这一带最适宜种小麦。 |
| 2. | The analyser is suitable for fields installation . 这个分析仪适于室外安装。 |
| 3. | This is low-lying land and not suitable for cotton . 这地太洼,不适于种棉花。 |
| 4. | This mounting is not suitable for extensive line work . 这样的裱糊不宜刻绘大片的线条。 |
| 5. | The cement used must be suitable for both materials . 所用的胶合剂必须对两种材料都适用。 |
| 6. | They have found areas suitable for seed orchard purposes . 他们找到了适于营建种子园的地区。 |
| 7. | This ware is suitable for decorative purpose but unsuitable for utility . 这种器皿中看不中用。 |
| 8. | The starred dishes on the menu are suitable for vegetarians . 菜单上标有星号的菜最值食素者选用。 |
| 9. | Conditions are then suitable for the formation of heavier elements . 这样的情况适于形成较重的元素。 |
| 10. | The log decrement are suitable for determining interface bond damage . 对数衰减率适宜于测定界面粘结的破坏。 |